Hillsborough Moth Crawl
What is a Moth Crawl?
A moth crawl is like a pub crawl, without the alcohol. This is a family-friendly, all-ages, all are welcomed event. No previous moth experience required to participate.
There will be four moth light trapping locations in Hillsborough for you to visit in one night. The host at each location will have one or more moth collecting sheets set up to draw moths. Your hosts will help you identify moths on their collecting sheet(s), answer questions, and provide information about moths and the various other insects you will see. Please visit the event website to see all locations and addresses for the Moth Crawl.
Mothing is a weather dependent activity. Attendees will be provided updates by email about delayed start times or rescheduling in the event of rain.
New for 2024
• Moth Bingo for kids and adults with fun prizes
• Commemorative T-shirts available for purchase
• Premium prizes to the top 3 participants with the most photos submitted to the iNaturalist Moth Crawl 2024 project